Thai Stir-fried Asian Greens

Stir Fry Asian Greens
This is a versatile way to cook all your Asian Greens. As you know Thai food is another favourite of mine and we regularly cook our Asian greens in this way. Whilst working as a chef, and home cook, in Adelaide I used to go to the Adelaide Central Market early in the morning and marvel at the [...]

Fig Galette

Fig Galette with Cinnamon Cream
Galette is the French term for a sweet or savoury open pie or flat cake usually made using a butter rich pastry such as puff pastry. It is simple, rustic, informal and versatile and provides a base for a variety of sweet and savoury seasonal fillings. For a sweet treat, here I have used figs [...]

Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Ginger and Garlic

Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts is the correct name for this brassica and there are classical references to it in 13th century Belgium. They only became known in France and England at the end of the 18th century and later in North America. It comes in green and purple varieties and being a cold climate vegetable we are [...]